Mr. Pawan Kumar, the CEO of an E-Commerce start up, which was facing the problem of huge employee turnover, decided to hold a meeting with the managers to discuss the issue. While addressing the managers in the meeting, he advised them to take certain measures which focus on psychological, social and emotional factors, in order to motivate employees. Explain any two such measures discussed by him, when he suggested that job should be made interesting so that the job itself becomes a source of motivation, employees should be congratulated for good performance, also, stability regarding future income and work should be provided to employees, in order to develop a positive attitude among the subordinates.

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Non monetary incentives: 

1. Job enrichment: It is concerned with designing jobs that include greater variety of work content, require higher level of knowledge and skill, etc,. 

2. Employee recognition programmes: Recognition means acknowledgment with a show of appreciation. 

3. Job security: Employees want their job to be secure. They want certain stability about income and work so that they do not feel worried about these aspects and work with greater zeal.