List down any two strategies to make physical activities accessible for CWSN.

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Strategies to make physical activities accessible for CWSN 

1.Interest: Physical activities must be based on interest, ability and limitation of children with special needs to ensure maximum participation. 

2.Ability: The physical and mental state of children with special needs shall be considered. 

3. Medical Check-up : First, it is mandatory to have a medical check-up of all children with special needs. Because without that we cannot know about the disability the child is having. 

4.Pre-experiences: Before deciding physical strategies, we shall know the children with their past experiences and convince them. 

5.Equipment: The equipment used should be according to capability and level of children. It may vary in size, shape, colour and weight. 

6.Specific Environment : A healthy and democratic environment shall be created so that CWSN can perform freely. 

7.Modified Rules : According to CWSN, the rules shall be diluted and modified according to their nature of disability. 

8.Easy to Difficult : The exercise shall be in progression from easily to difficult. 

9.Use of All Body Parts : Physical strategies shall involve. Whole body parts and ensure whole body movement. 

10. Extra Care of Concern : While deciding upon physical strategies for CWSN, extra care and concern shall be given like extra time, to avoid stress light music.