“A healthy interaction is essential for a healthy relationship”. Discuss the statement in the light of inter-personal relationships and communication.

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A strong bond between two or more people refers to interpersonal relationship. 

Attraction between individuals brings them close and eventually results in a strong interpersonal relationship. Communication is said to be the basis of every interpersonal relationship. Infact, effective communication is the key to a healthy and long lasting relationship and if individuals do not, problems are bound to come. Communication plays a pivotal role in strengthening the bonds of friendship among individuals. A relationship loses its charm if individuals do not express and reciprocate their feelings through various modes of communication. A healthy interaction is essential for a healthy relationship. 

It is not always that an individual needs to talk to express his /her feelings. Feelings can be expressed through non-verbal modes of communication as well. Lack of communication breeds problems in relationships. We tend to assume that others know what we want or how we feel.

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