Differentiate the various types of fire extinguishers. Briefly explain their composition and usage.

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The various types of fire extinguishers are: 

1. Soda acid extinguisher: These are used for extinguishing fires involving ordinary combustible material, where the cooling effect is achieved by water or solution containing large percentage of water. They are conical/cylindrical in shape. 

2. Foam type or Dry chemical powder extinguisher: They contain dry chemicals or solution and are exclusively meant for extinguishing fires involving inflammable liquids such as oils, fats or grease, where blanketing the fire to isolate it from Oxygen (Air) is required.

3. CTC Carbon dioxide and dry chemical extinguishers: They contain chemicals, either liquid, gas or dry, and are mainly used to fight fires involving ‘live’ electrical equipment etc. where, the use of an electrically non-conductive extinguishing agent is most importance.

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