A web browser is different from a web server. Explain any two differences in web browser and web server with suitable example of each. 


Explain any two differences between 3G and 4G mobile technologies.

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A Web Browser is a software that can be used to browse and display pages available over internet whereas a web server is a software which provides these documents when requested by web browsers. A web browser sends request to web servers for web services etc. and a web server responds to these requests by providing the required documents. Google chrome is an example of a web browser whereas Apache server is an example of a web server.


The main difference between a 3G and 4G mobile technology is the speed

3G, the 3rd generation of wireless mobile telecommunications tech 4G is the 4th generation of broadband cellular network technology, succeeding 3G.
A typical 3G phone can download files at a maximum speed of up to 21Mbps 4G phone can download files at speeds of upto 1GBps

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