What is the significance of meiosis in sexually reproducing animals?

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1. Meiotic division produces gametes or spores. 

2. If it is absent, the number of chromosomes would double or quadruple resulting in the formation of monstrosities (abnormal gametes). 

3. The constant number of chromosomes in a given species across generations is maintained by meiosis and fertilization. 

4. Because of crossing over, exchange of genetic material takes place leading to genetic variations, which are the raw materials for evolution. 

5. Gametes are produced by the process of meiosis which are essential for sexual reproduction. 

6. Diploid organisms have two set of chromosomes (one paternal and one maternal). 

7. For a diploid organism to undergo sexual reproduction it needs to create gametes that contain only one set of chromosomes so the number of chromosomes remains same in the next generation. 

8. In absence of meiosis, the chromosome number of parents and their offsprings will differ in every generation; hence no species will hold its characters. 

9. Also, there will be no crossing over of homologous chromosomes. Thus, there will be no variations with respect to the changing environment in progeny to maintain their existence, which may lead to extinction of species.

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