How much positive and negative charge is present in 1 g of water? How many electrons are present in it?

(Given: molecular mass of water is 18.0 g)

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Molecular mass of water is 18 gram, that means the number of molecules in 18 gram of water is 6.02 × 1023

∴ Number of molecules in l gm of water = \(\frac{6.02\times10^{23}}{18}\)

One molecule of water (H2O) contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

Thus, the number of electrons in ILO is sum of the number of electrons in H2 and oxygen. There are 2 electrons in H2 and 8 electrons in oxygen.

∴ Number of electrons in H2O = 2 + 8 = 10

Total number of protons / electrons in one gram of water

\(\frac{6.02\times10^{23}}{18}\) × 10 = 3.344 × 1023

Total positive charge

= 3.344 × 1023 × charge on a proton

= 3.344 × 1023 × 1.6 × 10-19 C

= 5.35 × 104 C

This positive charge is balanced by equal amount of negative charge so that the water molecule is electrically neutral.

∴ Total negative charge = 5.35 × 104 C

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