A magnifying glass of focal length 10 cm is used to read letters of thickness 0.5 mm held 8 cm away from the lens. Calculate the image size. How big will the letters appear? Can you read the letters if held 5 cm away from the lens? If yes, of what size would the letters appear? If no, why not?

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Given that, f = +10 cm, u = -8 cm,

From thin lens formula,


∴ \(\frac{1}{10}=\frac{1}{\text{v}}-\frac{1}{-8}\)

∴ v = 40 cm

Magnification of a lens is,

m = \(\frac{v}{u}=\frac{Object\,size\,h-i}{Object\,size\,h-0}\)

∴ \(\frac{40}{8}=\frac{h_1}{0.5}\)

∴ h1 = 2.5 cm

This implies the height of the image is 5 times that of the object.

Magnifying power,

M = \(\frac{D}{u}=\frac{25}{8}\) = 3.125

∴ Image will appear to be 3.125 times bigger,

i.e., 3.125 × 0.5 = 1.5625 cm

For u = -5 cm, v will be -10 cm

For an average human being to see clearly,

the image must be at or beyond 25 cm. Thus it will not possible to read the letters if held 5 cm away from the lens.