Compare change of state from solid to liquid and from liquid to vapour.

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Solid to liquid Liquid to vapour
i. The change of state from solid to liquid is called melting and from liquid to solid is called solidification. The change of state from liquid to vapour is called vaporisation while that from vapour to liquid is called condensation.
ii. Both the solid and liquid states of the substance co-exist in thermal equilibrium during the change of states from solid to liquid or vice versa. Both the liquid and vapour states of the substance coexists in thermal equilibrium during the change of state from liquid to vapour.
iii. The temperature at which the solid and the liquid states of the substance are in thermal equilibrium with each other is called the melting point of solid or freezing point of liquid. The freezing point describes the liquid to solid transition while melting point describes solid to liquid transition. The temperature at which the liquid and the vapour states of the substance coexist is called the boiling point of liquid. This is also the temperature at which water vapour condenses to form liquid.
iv. It is the characteristic of the substance and also depends on pressure. It is characteristic of substance and depends on pressure.

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