How much heat is required to raise temperature of 750 g of copper pot from 20 to 50 °C?

(The specific heat of copper is 0.094 kcal/kg °C)

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Given: s = 0.094 kcal/kg°C,

m = 750 g = 0.750kg,

T1 = 20°C and T2 = 50°C

Rise in temperature,

∆T = T2 – T1 = 50 – 20 = 30°C

To find: Heat required (Q)

Formula: Q = m × s × ∆T 

Calculation: From formula, 

Q = 0.750 × 0.094 × 30 

∴ Q = 2.115 kcal 

Heat required to raise the temperature of copper pot is 2.115 kcal.

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