What is triple point of water? State its physical significance.

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1. The triple point of water is that point where water in a solid, liquid and gas state co-exists in equilibrium and this occurs only at a unique temperature and a pressure.

2. To know the triple point, one has to see that three phases coexist in equilibrium and no one phase in dominating. This occurs for each substance at a single unique combination of temperature and pressure.

3. Thus, if three phases of water solid ice, liquid water and water vapour coexist, the pressure and temperature are automatically fixed.

4. Internationally, triple point of water has been assigned as 273.16 K at pressure equal to 6.11 × 102 Pa or 6.11 × 10-3 atmosphere, as the standard fixed point for calibration of thermometers.

5. The physical significance of triple point of water is that, it represents unique condition and it is used to define the absolute temperature.

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