Explain electronic theory of valence.

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Electronic theory of valence :

  • Electronic theory of valence was proposed by Kossel and Lewis in 1916.
  • They gave a logical explanation of valence which was based on the inertness of noble gases (that is, octet rule developed by Lewis).
  • According to Lewis, the atom can be pictured in terms of a positively charged ‘kernel’ (the nucleus plus inner electrons) and outer shell that can accommodate a maximum of eight electrons. This octet of electrons represents a stable electronic arrangement.
  • Thus, according to this theory, during the formation of a chemical bond, each atom loses, gains or shares outer electrons so that it achieves stable octet.
  • The formation of NaCl involves transfer of one electron from sodium (Na) to chlorine (Cl). Na+ and Cl- ions are formed which are held together by chemical bond. The formation of H2, F2, Cl2, HCl, etc., involves sharing of a pair of electrons between the atoms. In both the cases, each atom attains a stable outer octet of electrons.
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