From the following particulars, prepare a bBank Reconciliation Statement of Alpha Electeronic Motor Private Ltd. As on 30th September, 2014 :
(a) Overdraft on 30th September 2014 as per Pass Book ₹10,000.
(b) Cheque deposited in the bank but not recorded in Cash Book ₹100.
(c ) Cheque received and recorded in the Cash Book but not sent to bank for collection ₹1,000.
(d) Several cheques were drawn in the last week of September, totalling ₹15,000, of these cheques totalling only ₹9,000 were chashed before 30th September.
(e) Similarly, several cheques, totalling ₹9,000 were sent for collection, of these, cheques of the volue of ₹1,500 were credited on 5th October and ₹2,000 on 7th October, balance being credited before 30th September.
(f) Fees of ₹250 was paid directly by the bank but was not recorded in the Cash Book.
(g) In the Cash Book, a bank charge of ₹30 was recorded twice while another bank charge of ₹50 was not recorded at all.
(h) Interest of ₹1,400 was charged by the bank but was not recorded in the Cash Book .

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Correct Answer - Overdraft as per Cash Book ₹9,930.

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