Discuss Operators and types of Operators.

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1. Operators are used to doing arithmetic and logical operations.

2. Operators that require one operand is called as Unary operator. 

3. Operators that require two operands are called Binary operators. 

4. Arithmetic operators are used in mathematical expressions. 

5. It is important to know that the Assignment operator is not ‘equal to’ operator. 

6. The assignment operator is used to assign the value of an expression to a variable. 

7. Relational operators are used to checking conditions or comparisons of operands. 

8. Logical operators are used to verifying more than one condition at a time or to negate the condition. 

9. The increment (++) operator in JavaScript is used to increment the value of the variable by one. 

10. Decrement operator in JavaScript is used to decrement the value of the variable by one.

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