Fill in blank with the help of given words below :
Monera , Active, Passive, Dinucleoside uridine, SER, Deoxythymine, Glycoprotin, RER, Glyceride, Glycerol, Animal , Plant, Animalia, Allosteric enzyme, Competitive feed back, Leying cell, sertoli cell, Glycogen, Triacylycerides, Protista.
1. FAD and NAD enzyme cofactor are formed of `"......."`.
2. The maximum fat stored inour body is in the form of `"......."`.
3. Thymidine in DNA is replaced by `"......."` in RNA.
4. The activity of enzyme inhibited when modulators bind to its is known as `"........."` inhibition.

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Correct Answer - 1. Dinucleotide , 2. Triacylglycerides, 3. Uridine, 4. Allosteric enzyme.

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