Match the items given in column I with appropriate items (one or more ) of column II .
`{:("Column" I , , "Column" II),((i)"Cacti" ,, (a) "Sciophytes") , ((ii) "Shade loving plants" ,, (b) "Plants growing in saline environment "), ((iii) "Halophytes" ,, (c) "Monarch butterfly and queen monarch"), ((iv) "Batesian mimicry" ,, (d) "Bats") , ((v) "Mullerian mimicry" ,, (e) "Monarch butterfly , viceroy butterfly" ), ((vi) "Echolocation" ,, (f) "Xerophyters"), (,, (g) "Avicennia"):}`

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Correct Answer - (i) f (ii) a (iii) b , g (iv) e (v) a (vi) d

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