State whether the given set is finite or infinite.
(i) ` A=` Set of all triangles in a plane.
(ii) `B=` set of all points on the circumference
(iii) `C=` set of all lines parallel to the y-axis.
(iv) `D=` set of all leaves on a tree
(v) ` E=` set of all positive integers greater than 500
(vi) `F={x in R, 0 lt x lt 1}`
(vii) ` G= {x in Z : x lt 1}`
(viii) `H ={ x in Z : -15 lt x lt 15}`
(ix) ` J={x: in N` and `x " is prime"}`
(x) ` K={x:x in N` and `x "is odd "}`
(xi) ` L=` set of all circles passing through the origin `(0,0)`.

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Correct Answer - (i) infinte
(ii) infinte (iii) infinite (iv) finte (v) infinite (vi) infinte (vii) infinite (viii) finite (ix) infinte (x) infinte (xi) infinite

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