Two friends Richa and Sohan have some savings in their piggy bank. They decided to count the total coins they both had. After counting they find that they have fifty ₹ 1 coins, forty eight ₹₹ 2 coins, thirty six ₹₹ 5 coins, twenty eight ₹₹ 10 coins and eight ₹₹ 20 coins. Now, they said to Nisha, their another friends, to choose a coin randomly. Find the probability that the coin chosen is 

(i) Rs5 coin 

(ii) Rs 20 coin 

(iii) Not a Rs 10 coin 

(iv) of denomination of atleast ₹10. 

(v) of denomination of almost Rs.5.

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Type of coins ₹1 ₹2 ₹5 ₹10 ₹20
Total coins 50 48 36 28 8

Total no. of coins = 50 + 48 + 36 + 28 + 8 = 170

(i) Probability that chosen coin is Rs 5 = \(\frac{36}{170} = \frac{18}{85}\)

(ii) Probability that chosen coin is Rs 20 = \(\frac 8{170} = \frac 4{85}\)

(iii) Probability that chosen coin is not a Rs 10 

\(=1 - \frac{28}{170}\)

\(= 1 - \frac{14}{85} \)

\(= \frac{85 - 14}{85}\)

\(= \frac{71}{85}\)

(iv) Probability that chosen coin is of denomination of at least ₹10


\(= \frac{36}{170}\)

\(= \frac {18}{85}\)

(v) Probability that chosen coin is of denomination of at most ₹5

\(=\frac{50 + 48+36}{170}\)

\(= \frac {134}{170}\)

\(= \frac{67}{85}\)