Write a short note on 

1. Glucose 

2. Galactose and 

3. Fructose.

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1. Glucose: 

a. It is the most important fuel in living cells. 

b. Its concentration in the human blood is about 90mg per 100ml of blood. 

c. The small size and solubility in water of glucose molecules allows them to pass through the cell membrane into the cell. 

d. Energy is released when the molecules are metabolized by cellular respiration.

2. Galactose: 

a. It looks very similar to glucose molecules. 

b. They can also exist in a and p forms. 

c. Galactose react with glucose to form the disaccharide lactose. 

d. However, glucose and galactose cannot be easily converted into one another. 

e. Galactose cannot play the same role in respiration as glucose. 

3. Fructose: 

a. It is the fruit sugar and chemically it is ketohexose but it has a five-atom ring rather than a six-atom ring. 

b. Fructose reacts with glucose to form the sucrose, a disaccharide.

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