After learning organization of cell, to test one of the postulates of cell theory, Ananya requested her teacher to guide and allow her to perform a small experiment. The aim of the experiment Avas to form new cells in the laboratory using isolated cellular organelles from other cells. Though Ananya did not succeed to form new cells, teacher-guided and motivated her explaining why experiment performed by them failed. 

1. Which postulate Ananya was willing to test and why new cells failed to form from the isolated organelles from other cells? 

2. From the above mentioned data could you guess which type of cells they were trying to form whether eukaryote or prokaryote? 

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1. The postulate Ananya was willing to test was, ‘all cells arise from pre-existing cells’. According to this postulate, to form new cells, pre-existing cells are must; therefore, cellular organelles did not form new cells. 

2. The cells which Ananya and her teacher were trying to form were eukaryotic cells, as cellular organelles are present in eukaryotes.