The greatest height to which a man can throw a stone is h. The greatest distance to which he can throw it will be

(A) h/2 

(B) 2h 

(C) h 

(D) 3h

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Correct Option is (B) 2h

Greast vertical height is h

Maximum Height \(v = \sqrt {2gh}\)

Maximum Range \(R = \frac{u^2 sin \ 2 \ \theta}{g}\)

\(R = \frac{u^2 }{g} sin \ 2 \ \theta\)

\(\because v = \sqrt{2gh}\)

Correct Option is (B)

Maximum distance covered when \(\theta = 45^\circ\)

\(R = \frac{u^2}{g} sin 90^\circ\)

\(R = \frac{(\sqrt{2gh})}{g}\)

\(R = \frac{2gh}{g}\)

\(R = 2h\)

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Correct option is: (B) 2h

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