Multiple-choice Questions

1. Excretory system of these molluscs is of open type except, 

(a) Sea hare 

(b) Pila 

(c) Octopus 

(d) Sepia

2. _________ are exclusively marine animals. 

(a) Cnidarians 

(b) Echinoderms 

(c) Molluses 

(d) Arthropoda

3. The peculiar character of echinoderms is 

(a) Presence of mantle cavity 

(b) Presence of water vascular system 

(c) Presence of jointed appendages 

(d) Presence of ostia and osculum

4. Which one of the following belongs to Subphylum Cephalochordata? 

(a) Amphioxus 

(b) Herdmania 

(c) Petromyzon 

(d) Ascidia

5. Complete the analogy: Salpa: Tunicata : : Myxine : ________ . 

(a) Cyclostomata 

(b) Chondrichthyes 

(c) Cephalochordata 

(d) Amphibia

6. Members of class Reptilia 

(a) are limbless except for Salamander

(b) have moist, glandular skin 

(c) have better developed olfactory lobes and cerebellum than amphibians 

(d) have four chambered heart except for crocodile

7. Which of the following are the first true terrestrial vertebrates? 

(a) Mammals 

(b) Amphibians 

(c) Reptiles 

(d) Both (b) and (c)

8. ________ is an oviparous mammal. 

(a) Macaca 

(b) Pteropus 

(c) Macropus 

(d) Duck billed platypus

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1. (d) Sepia

2. (b) Echinoderms

3. (b) Presence of water vascular system

4. (a) Amphioxus

5. (a) Cyclostomata

6. (c) have better developed olfactory lobes and cerebellum than amphibians

7. (c) Reptiles

8. (d) Duck billed platypus

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