Note down ways in which you can make your life less ordinary in terms of –

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(a) Utilisation of time:

Everyone is alloted the same time of 24 hrs in a day. I will set small goals and achieve the same in a particular time. I will utilize the saved time for my (own development)/personality development and for any social coause. In this way I will utilize my time to the fullest.

(b) Pursuing goals other than the material goals:

Pursuing good and healthy life or any spiritual goal is more important than material goal. I would set goals for pursuing it. For my spiritual growth I would learn and practice yoga and meditation. For pursuing healthy life I will practise healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, maintenance of hygiene.

(c) Nurturing relationships :

I have good relation with my family members, neighbours and relatives. I will not only maintain but also develop it. I will always spend some time with them, respect their thoughts, feelings and take their care. I would always help them in their need.

(d) Being a better human being:

In order to be a better human being I will develop the habit of helping others, honesty, open mindedness, positive attitude, punctuality and many other. At the same time I will keep myself always away from bad company, laziness, hatred, greed. I will always help the poor and the needy, respect my parents and teachers, elderly relatives and neighbours. I will use natural resources, water, electricity, public amenities judiciously. By planting trees, I would also contribute in reducing global warming.

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