Give any six salient features of class Cyclostomata.

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Characteristic features of class Cyclostomata (Cyclos: 

Circular, stoma-mouth) Lat/Grk 

1. Members of class Cyclostomata are jaw-less and eel like organisms. 

2. Their skin is devoid of scales, soft and smooth, containing unicellular mucus glands. 

3. Median fms are present but paired fins are absent. 

4. They are ectoparasites on fishes. 

5. They have sucking circular mouth, without jaws. 

6. Cranium and vertebral column are made up of cartilage. 

7. Their digestive system lacks stomach. 

8. Respiration occurs by 6 – 15 pairs of gill slits. Gills slits are without operculum. 

9. Heart is two chambered with one auricle and one ventricle. 

10. Gonad is single, large and without gonoduct.

11. Fertilization is external. They are anadromous as they migrate for spawning to fresh – water from marine habitat. 

12. After spawning, they die within few days. Larvae metamorphosize and migrate to ocean. e.g Petromyzon (Lamprey), Myxine (Hagfish).

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