Write a note on India’s relations with Afghanistan during Emperor Ashoka’s period.

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  • Emperor Ashoka’s period 13th edict is the names of Greek kings, who were his contemporaries. 
  • People in their kingdoms were following the path of morality as outlined in his message of Dhammavijaya. Among these kingdoms was the kingdom of Kamboja in Afghanistan. 
  • The Ashokan edict at Kandahar is in Greek language and the script used for it is Aramaic. 
  • This inscription shows that Afghanistan was an integral part of Ashoka’s empire. 
  • Ashoka had sent ‘Thera Mahyantika’ (Majjhantika) to Kashmir and Afghanistan and ‘Thera Maharakkhita’ to the Greek (Yona) kingdoms, for spreading the teachings of Gautama Buddha.

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