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India became prosperous.

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  • In contemporary India, agriculture and animal husbandry were the main sources of livelihood. 
  • Along with it various industries and trade developed during this period.
  • India’s contact with the foreigners proved to be beneficial for this. 
  • During this period also merchant and artisans guilds (shrenis) were in existence.
  • During this period, India’s sea trade began to increase on a large scale. 
  • Indian goods were sent up to the Red Sea and from there via Egypt to Rome.
  • From India, animals such as tiger, lion, and monkey; birds such as parrot and peacock; wool, silk, muslin, cotton cloth, ivory, pearls, spices, sandalwood, medicinal herbs, diamonds, precious stones, and other luxury items were exported and from other countries goods such as lead, copper, glass, silver, gold, wines, etc. were imported. 
  • Due to this trade, the flow of gold coins was constantly coming in India and hence India became prosperous.

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