1. Roads have a negative impact on chimpanzee populations that can extend for more than 17 km, a new report shows. A team led by the University of Exeter examined the impact of major and minor roads on wild western chimpanzee numbers in the eight African countries which they live.

2. Chimpanzee population density drops consistently from the edges of these areas to a lowest value at the roads. The situation in untouched areas is hard to asses because less than five percent of western chimpanzees' range is outside the 'road-effect zones' identified in the study.

3. The human population in West Africa is growing rapidly, and chimpanzee face mounting pressure from the expansion of settlements and infrastructure. Previous research suggests that roads dramatically reduce western chimpanzee numbers, rather than simply displacing the animals. Just 4.3 p.c. of their range remains unaffected by roads, so they don't have anywhere else to go, and in any case migration over long distances is uncommon.

4. Western chimpanzees are highly territorial, so attempting to move could lead to conflict with neighbouring groups. The study did not directly investigate the reasons why roads affect chimpanzee numbers, but the researchers highlight several possible explanations. As well as direct impacts like roadkill and noise, they say roads open up unexploited areas to industries such as mining and agriculture which often reduce or remove forest habitats.

5. Roads can also restrict chimpanzee movements, dividing population and causing genetic isolation. Hunting too, is a persistent threat to western chimpanzees, and roads provide easier access to hunters. "When roads appear, so do all sorts of human activities."

6. Regulations in many countries require that wildlife should be considered before new roads are bulit, but until now the size of the impact area affecting chimpanzees had not been estimated. The researchers hope their findings will help to bring about more effective guidelines to mitigate road impacts. They will also ensure the true costs of infrastructure development on the critically endangered chimpanzees are fully considered by policy-makers.

7. "Our great ape cousins face so many threats, from habitat change to hunting to disease. The impact of infrastructure development is much larger than it was ever anticipated and is truly worrying. But we can't give up. We must do everything we can to ensure their continual survival. I can't imagine a world where humans are the only great apes left."

1. The title of this passage could be:

(a) Development and Environment

(b) How to Protect Animal Species

(c) How Deforestation Affects Us

(d) Impact of Development on Chimpanzees

2. The purpose of the study was:

(a) to understand the impact of roads on chimpanzees.

(b) to analyse how mining and agriculture affect them.

(c) how hunting and disease affect the great apes.

(d) to raise hope among conservationists about the survival of chimpanzees.

3. Study the following statements and choose the correct one:

(a) Chimpanzees in Western Africa are rather safe.

(b) Effect of human population on the apes is negligible.

(c) Chimpanzees are territorial so they have to travel long distances.

(d) Chimpanzee population increases if their habitat is away from the roads.

4. Study the following statements:

(i) Chimpanzee population decreases more rapidly around major roads.

(ii) More trees are cut to construct major roads.

Choose the correct option:

(a) (ii) is true and is a result of (i).

(b) (i) is true and (ii) is false.

(c) (i) is true and is a result of (ii).

(d) (ii) is true and (i) is false.

5. Study the following statements:

(i) The increase in human population is directly proportional to the decrease in the ape population.

(ii) When roads are constructed, chimpanzees move to distant places.

(iii) When human population increases, need of infrastructure also increases.

Choose the correct option:

(a) (i) and (ii) are both true.

(b) (i) and (ii) are both false.

(c) (i) and (iii) are both true.

(d) (i) and (iii) are both false.

6. Study the following statements:

(i) Humans need more roads.

(ii) To satisfy human needs more trees are cut.

Choose the correct option:

(a) (i) is true and (ii) is false.

(b) (i) is true and leads to (ii).

(c) (i) is false and (ii) is true.

(d) (i) and (ii) are both true, but (ii) leads to (i).

7. Which among the following is a false statement?

(a) Chimpanzees lived peacefully when there were fewer roads.

(b) Chimpanzees have gradually adjusted to the noisy roads.

(c) More roads mean fewer interactions among different chimpanzee groups.

(d) Isolated habitats of different groups lead to genetic isolation.

8. Roads; Roadkills; Hunting; Deforestation

The correct order in which the above activities take place is:

(a) Hunting; Roadkills; Roads; Deforestation

(b) Deforestation; Roads; Roadkills; Hunting 

(c) Roads; Deforestation; Hunting; Roadkills

(d) Roadkills; Hunting; Deforestation; Roads

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Answer is :

1. - (d)

2. - (a)

3. - (d)

4. - (c)

5. - (c)

6. - (b)

7. - (b)

8. - (b)

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