Literature of the Mauryan period reflects the thought process of the people.

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  • Literature of the Mauryan period not only reflects the thought process of the people but also the political, social, economic, and religious conditions of the period. 
  • During the Mauryan period along with literature in the Sanskrit language, Pali and Ardhamagadhi were also used. 
  • Jain and Buddhist Literature were created in the Prakrit language. The Prakrit language includes Pali, Ardhamagadhi, Shaurseni, Maharashtri, etc. 
  • Panini’s Ashtadhyayi, Bhasa’s Swapnavasavadattam, Kautilya’s Arthashastra were some of the important works of this period. 
  • Along with Sanskrit literature, many texts were written in the Prakrit language. The orders of Asoka inscribed on rocks and pillars are in Prakrit.
  • The famous Buddhist ‘Tipitakas’ were edited during this period. Abhidhammapitaka was composed after the 3rd Buddhist council. 
  • Jam literature too flourished during this period for e.g., texts like ‘Dashavaikalika’, Upasakadashanga Bhagvati Sutra were composed during this period.

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