1. Some teenagers live in a world of their own. Various causes can be found for this state of affairs, but the first in importance is clearly the lack of parental authority in the home. This depended, more than a century ago, upon the convention of the husband being master in his own house .The wife gave him formal obedience, realising that upon this depended her authority, in turn, over the children. She was likely to see much more of them and her own efforts to maintain discipline might thus be weekend by familiarity. It was always her best plan, therefore, to fall back on the authority of an absent husband, saying, 'Your father has forbidden it,' often with the inference that she herself would have been more indulgent. It was only by accepting her husband's sway that she could gain obedience from the young. The decision might be hers but the unpopularity was his, the more easily borne in that he might not be there. To precepts about subordination she thus added the potent force of an example. Children and servants were in this way taught to know their place.

2. In the twentieth century children became fewer and the feminist revolt was the result. With discipline no longer the chief problem, the pattern of the family life underwent a change. Granted a small number of children carefully spaced out, there might, it was thought, be time to reason with them. There might even be time to read books on child psychology. Father's word had no longer the authority of holy writ and given the bible itself was relegated to a high shelf quite unsuitable for the young. Why should women accept their subordinate role? Why indeed? With some hesitation their claim to equality was conceded. Among the intelligent there would henceforth be an easier relationship, a more casual comradeship and co-operation with love to take the place of fear. Married women now retained their identity and some of them even pursued separate careers; and most men welcomed the change, readily dropping their role of infallible tyrant in the home.

3. What people were slow to observe was that the emancipation of the wife destroyed the parent's authority over the children. The mother did not exemplify the obedience upon which she still tried to insist. There was more room now for disagreement between the parents, enabling the child to appeal from one to the other, eventually ignoring both. In bringing the man down from his pedestral the wife and mother deprived herself, in fact, of the means of discipline.

1. Study the following statements:

(i) It gives mothers more time to talk to children.

(ii) Mothers had more freedom and more time.

(iii) Mothers could discuss matters with their children.

(iv) In the twentieth century families had fewer children.

Which event led to which ?

(a) (i) → (ii) → (iii) → (iv)

(b) (ii) → (i) → (iv) → (iii)

(c) (iv) → (ii) → (i) → (iii)

(d) (iii) → (iv) → (ii) → (i)

2. 'even the Bible itself was relegated to a high shelf'

The figure of speech used in this expression is:

(a) Irony

(b) Metonymy

(c) Personification

(d) Metaphor

3. The 'Bible' was unsuitable for the young as:

(a) it was symbolic of religious authority.

(b) it talked to male superiority.

(c) the young did not like to believe in God.

(d) the scientific temper goes against religious beliefs.

4. Study the following statements:

(i) Now intelligent men and women have developed a comfortable relationship.

(ii) Wives' fear of the husbands has turned into a feeling of mutual love.

Choose the correct option:

(a) (i) is right, but (ii) is wrong and (i) is the result of (ii).

(b) (ii) is right, but (i) is wrong and (ii) is the result of (i).

(c) (i) and (ii) are both right and (ii) is the result of (i).

(d) (i) and (ii) are both wrong and (i) is the result of (ii).

5. 'their role of infallible tyrant'

The phrase 'infallible tyrant' means a cruel person who:

(a) sometimes fails.

(b) never fails.

(c) sometimes makes a mistake.

(d) never makes a mistake.

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Answer is :

1. - (c)

2. - (a)

3. - (b)

4. - (c)

5. - (d)

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