Write a letter to your younger sibling making her aware of various manmade and natural disasters and encourage her to join all the programmes, campaigns, drives etc. in school or in your locality.

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ABC Apartments,

Flat No. 4/2/1,

Ghatkopar (East),


30th July, 2019.

Dear Richa,

How are you? I am writing to you after a long time. I read an article on the flood in Assam and thought of talking to you about such disasters which are natural as well as partially man-made.

Natural disasters like flood, earthquake, etc., happen quite often these days. Televisions and newspapers are flooded with such kind of reports. Sometimes, we really do not have anything to do to control natural disasters and we are puppets in the hands of nature. I still shudder to think of all those frightful pictures of the killer flood of Kerala.

But it is not uncommon that man-made disasters create havoc. In Mumbai, we quite often hear of buildings collapsing, killing so many people. These are dilapidated buildings which have got the warnings from the authority. People ignore those cautions and continue to stay in such buildings. There is no point in repenting later.

Keeping gas cylinders open is a very common example of fire due to human negligence. Who can forget about Mumbai deluge in 2005? We might be very small at that time, but we have heard stories about the disaster and the man-made cause of it. Mithi river got choked because of irresponsible throwing of non-biodegradable plastics? Have we really learnt from our mistakes?

I want to advise you to join the NSS or NCC unit of your college and participate in all their activities to create awareness among people, educate them to handle natural as well as man-made disasters. The authorities will do their job. But, we, as responsible citizens need to contribute our services in our own way.

Basic humanity comes above everything and I am sure, you will take part actively in the campaigns and drives oganized by your college. At the same time, please don’t neglect your studies. You have to learn to balance your social work with your studies.

We are all fine here. Do write to me. 

Yours lovingly,


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