Explain the Eight Fold Path (Ashtangika Marga) of Gautama Buddha.

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Gautama Buddha explained the Eight Fold Path by including:

  • Samyak Drishti (To understand and accept that nothing happens against the rules of nature) 
  • Samyak Sankalp (Right determination) 
  • Samyak Vacha (Right speech) 
  • Samyak Karmanta (Right behaviour) 
  • Samyak Ajiva (Livelihood by right means) 
  • Samyak Vyayam (Conscious avoidance of offensive things)
  • Samyak Smriti (watchfulness and memory of right things)
  • Samyak Samadhi (Establishing the mind firmly in equanimity; a state beyond pleasure and sorrow)