Write a note with the help of the following points: 

(a) ‘Ahar’ or ‘Banas’ Culture 

(b) Ganeshwar – Jodhpur Culture 

(c) Kayatha Culture 

(d) Malwa Culture

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(a) ‘Ahar’ or ‘Banas’ Culture: 

The chalcolithic cultures in India generally belong to the postHarappan period. However, the ‘Ahar’ or ‘Banas’ culture in the Mewad region of Rajasthan was contemporary to the Harappan civilisation. Balathal and Gilund near Udaipur are the important sites of Ahar culture. ‘Ahar’ culture at Balathal is dated to 4000 B.C.E and was first discovered at Ahar near Udaipur, so it was named as ‘Ahar’ culture.

(b) Ganeshwar-Jodhpura Culture:

Many sites of the culture known as ‘Ganeshwar-Jodhpura’ culture have been found in the vicinity of the copper mines at Khetri. The settlements there are earlier than the Harappan civilisation. During the excavations at Ganeshwar copper artifacts like arrowheads, spearheads, harpoons, bangles, chisels, and also pottery was found. The people of GaneshwarJodhpura culture supplied copper objects to the Harappans.

(c) Kayatha Culture:

 Kayatha is a site situated on the banks of the river known as Chhoti Kali Sindh, at a distance of 25 kilometers from Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh. Kayatha culture was contemporary to the Harappan civilisation. The people of Kayatha culture subsisted on agriculture and animal husbandry.

(d) Malwa Culture: 

The name ‘Malwa’ obviously tells us that this culture originated and spread first in the Malwa region. It existed in Madhya Pradesh during 1800-1200 B.C.E. ‘Navadatoli’ situated on the river Narmada, on the opposite bank of Maheshwar, is an important site of Malwa culture. The other important sites are Eran (District Sagar) and Nagda (District Ujjain). They were surrounded by protective walls.

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