Reasons for the decline of cities.

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The reasons for the decline of cities are as follows:

 It is known that the Harappan civilisation began to decline around 2000 – 1900 B.C.E. 

People had to regret elsewhere with the beginning of the later Harappan Period. 

The Harappan trade with Mesopotamia was on the decline in the late Harappan Period because the Mesopotamia economy had weakened.

A deteriorating environment was the main reason for the decline of Mesopotamia. 

Similarly, climatic changes and deteriorating environment were the main reason for the decline of the Harappan civilisation too. 

The late Harappan people were forced to migrate became of natural calamities. 

New villages were settled by the Nature Harappan and Late Harappan people wherever they went. 

The Harappan civilization deteriorated as the cumulative effect of various factors such as a decline in trade, climatic changes, weakening of two economies.

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