Write a word or a term or a phrase that can substitute each of the following statement:

i. A slip is used for depositing cash and cheque in the Bank account.

ii. Permission to withdraw excess amount from Current Account.

iii. Separate loan account under which the shortterm loan facility is given by the bank to the business.

iv. The short-term credit facility is given by the bank to the current account holder.

v. The account is generally opened by the business organization.

vi. The request of Secretary to the bank not to make the payment of the cheque.

vii. The type of account for which a higher rate of interest is paid to bank depositors.

viii. The slip is used for withdrawing money from Savings Account.

ix. Negotiable Instrument which can be discounted with the bank.

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i. Pay-in-slip

ii. Overdraft

iii. Cash credit

iv. Overdraft

v. Current Account

vi. Stop payment request

vii. Fixed Deposit Account

viii. Withdrawal Slip

ix. Bill of exchange

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