Explain the pillars of a democratic nation. Make list of obstacles that are a threat to the progress of a nation.

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The pillars of a democratic nation are: 

1. Legislative: In a democratic nation, the people of the country elect their representatives that govern a state or a country. 

2. Executives: Executives, as the name suggests, are in-charge of putting the laws made by the legislatives in effect. 

3. Judiciary: The job of the judiciary is to keep a check on the laws made by the legislative and their execution or fulfillment by the executives without disturbing the fundamental rights of the citizens of the country. 

4. Press: All types of media have a responsibility of reaching to the people all over the country, the works of the legislatives and the executive and their basic duty is to be unbiased.

Major obstacles that are threats to the progress of a nation are: 

1. Caste and religion-based politics. 

2. Disrespect for the constitution values. 

3. Absence of universal education which makes people unaware of their basic rights and duties. 

4. Huge gap between haves and have-nots- lack of qualitative resources to the poor. 

5. Constant threat of the attack of enemy countries.

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