Choose the correct option:

1. Disguisedly unemployed labour has ___________ marginal productivity.

(a) zero 

(b) one 

(c) minimum 

(d) maximum

2. Introduction of computer causes ___________ unemployment. 

(a) technological 

(b) structural 

(c) frictional

3. Defective education system causes ___________ unemployment.

 (a) educated 

(b) technological 

(c) frictional 

(d) rural

4. Unemployment during the off season is called ___________ unemployment. 

(a) urban 

(b) seasonal 

(c) disguised 

(d) involuntary

5. Unemployment during recession is called ___________ unemployment. 

(a) cyclical

(b) frictional 

(c) structural 

(d) voluntary

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1. (a) zero

2. (a) technological

3. (a) educated

4. (b) seasonal

5. (a) cyclical

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