Krishna & Co. Ltd. with an authorised capital of Rs. 2,00,000 divided into 20,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each, issued the entire amount of the shares payable as:
Rs. 5 on application (including premium Rs. 2 per share),
Rs. 4 on allotment, and
Rs. 3 on call.
All share money is received in full with the exception of the allotment money on 200 shares and the call money on 500 shares (including the 200 shares on which the allotment money has not been paid).
The above 500 shares are duly forfeited and 400 of these (including the 200 shares on which allotment money has not been paid) are reissued at Rs. 7 per share payable by the purchaser as fully paid-up. Pass Journal entries (including cash transactions) and show the balances in the Balance Sheet giving effect to the above transactions.

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Correct Answer - Capital Reserve-Rs. 800; Balance Sheet Total-Rs. 2,40,500.