The masses of two bodies are measured to be 15.7 ± 0.2 kg and 27.3 ± 0.3 kg. What is the total mass of the two and the error in it?

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Given: A ± ∆A = 15.7 ± 0.2kg and 

B ± ∆B = 27.3 ± 0.3 kg. 

To find: Total mass (Z), and total error (∆Z) 

Formulae: i. Z = A + B

ii) ±∆Z = ±∆A ± ∆B

Calculation: From formula (i),

Z = 15.7 + 27.3 = 43 kg 

From formula (ii),

± ∆Z (± 0.2) + (± 0.3) 

=±(0.2 + 0.3) 

= ± 0.5 kg

Total mass is 43 kg and total error is ± 0.5 kg.

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