Choose the correct alternative and complete the statement :

(i) By the middle of …………….. century, the nature of production started to change. 

(18th, 19th, 20th)

(ii) The …………….. revolution demands a new set of skills. 

(Industrial / Information / French)

(iii) The first Barbie doll was made in ………….. in 1959. 

(China / Japan / Arabia)

(iv) The term …………….. refers to the actualisation of potentials of an individual. 

(economy / education / information)

(v) In …………….. societies, education was part of the larger process of socialization and enculturation. 

(modern / primitive / traditional)

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(i) 20th

(ii) Information

(iii) Japan

(iv) education

(v) primitive

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