Write a short paragraph in about 120 words, to be used as Counter-View for the following topic. ‘Buy a bigger cloth for your coat’.

View Section:

(a) We cannot survive by the dictum ‘Cut your cloth according to your coat’ in today’s world.

(b) In the modern world we should ‘Think Big’ 

(c) Think of increasing your income instead of reducing your needs. 

(d) We cannot deny ourselves, what the new world offers us.

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Today’s world is full of attractions. But we need to he careful about spending according to our means. We have to be prudent (wise) enough to save for the rainy days so that we don’t have to beg or borrow during emergency. It is, of course, essential to think big but at the same time over-ambition should not lead us to a point of no-return. 

We should be well-aware of our capabilities and try to reach our goal judiciously instead of foolishly increasing our demands. We must make “slow but steady wins the race”, the motto of our life. Even if the new world has lots of offer, we must develop the quality of patience to wait for the right thing to come at the right time.

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