Read the extract and state whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements.

(a) Growing in abundance is more important than the quality of the crop.

(b) The author wanted to grow the desi variety of rice.

(c) The author did not succeed in finding Kasbai.

(d) The aroma of the ‘desi’ rice would spread around the village.

(e) Newer hybrid crops have a great appetite for chemicals.

(f) The author is an example of‘ reverse migration’.

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(a) False.

The quality of the crop is more important than growing in abundance a lesser variety of crop.

(b) True

(c) False.

 The author was successful in finding Kasbai from an Adivasi woman at Boripada, a remote village.

(d) True

(e) True

(f) True (‘Reverse Migration’ is a new trend of shifting from bigger cities to nearby smaller towns or suburbs)

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