Study the following case/situation and express your opinion:

Ultra paint company which is manufacturing paints has been enjoying a prominent market position as it manufactured best quality paints, made timely payment of taxes to government. It assembled various inputs like finance, machines, raw material, etc. from its environment. But since last year it has been dumping its untreated possessions waste on the river bank which has created many health problems for the people. As a result, the court passed an order to seal the manufacturing unit of the company.

1. State the importance of business environment highlighted in the above case.

2. Identify any two dimension of business environment mentioned in the above case and comment.

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1. Business environment helps in tapping useful resources.

2. 1. Social environment : “It has been dumping untreated possession of waste on river bank problems” for people. This shows that it is at the cost of human life as their life is affected. 

2. Legal Environment : “The court passed on order to seal the company”. It shows that through court interference the company was sealed.

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