Market for a good is in equilibrium. Explain the chain of reactions in the market if the price is (i) higher than equilibrium price and (ii)lower than equilibrium price.

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(i) When price is higher than equilibrium price:
`cdot` There is excess supply and producers are not in a position to sell all they want to sell at the given price.
`cdot` This leads to competition between producers.
`cdot` Competition between producers leads to lowering of price.
`cdot` Lowering of price raises demand while reduces supply. This continues till demand is equal to supply again at the original equilibrium.
(ii) When price is lower than the equilibrium price:
`cdot` There is excess demand and consumers ar not in a position to buy all they want to buy at the given price. This leads to competition between consumers.
`cdot` Competition leads to rise in price.
`cdot` Rise in price reduces demand while raises supply. This continues till demand is equal to supply again at the original equilibrium.

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