Study the following case/situation and express your opinion

While working in a company, Pranav used to give order to his subordinates about what is to be done and which work is to be done? In this organization, various employees like Pratap are doing their work assigned by Pravin. In this company, Pravin submits his report of work completion to Pranav after completing the work done by the employees like Pratap.

(i) Identify different levels of management in above mentioned company.

(ii) Find the level of Pranav in management of company.

(iii) Explain the functions and role of Pratap in his company.

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(i) There are two levels of management i.e. middle and lower level of management in above mentioned company.

(ii) Pranav works in the middle level management of company

(iii) Pratap is an employee in a company. He works at the lower level. He executes the work assigned by Pravin.

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