A JEE aspirant estimates that she will be successful with an `80%` chance if she studies 10 hours per day, with `60%` chance if she studies 7 hourse per day, and with a `40%` chance if she studies 4 hours per day. She further believes that she will study 10 houers, 7 hours, and 4 hours per day with probabilities `0.1,0.2and 0.7,` respectively.
The chance she will be successful is
A. `0.28`
B. `0.38`
C. `0.48`
D. `0.58`

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Correct Answer - C
A: She gets a success
T: She studies 10 h, P(T) = 0.1
S: She studies 7 h: `P(S)=0.2`
F: She studies `4 h: P(F) =0.7`

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