You fell that India will face a severe water crisis by the year 2020. write a letter to the Editor of the national expressing your concern about it and requesting individuals and authorities to take steps to avert this crisis. You are Shalini/shaheen (120-150 words)

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Format :1 mark (1. sender’s address, 2. date, 3. receiver’s address, 4. subject heading, 5.salutation, 6. complimentary close.) Content :3 marks Expression :2 marks (Grammatical accuracy, appropriate words and spellings [1] Coherence and relevance of ideas and style [1]) Suggested value points: (LETTER TO THE EDITOR) Para 1- introduction, reason for writing the letter Para 2- Reasons for water shortage Increasing population Lack of awareness Careless use Lack of International cooperation Effects of water shortage  Global warming Glaciers melting Suggestions/Solution Increase social awareness Organize campaigns to raise awareness Teach school children Devise water saving methods Para 3- conclusion (Summing up of the reasons, effects and suggestions combined with their own views. Due credit to be given to creative responses.)

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