In Delhi on a polluted day, concentration of `SO_(2)` in air is 40ppm. Assuming density of air is 2gm/litre. How many gram of `SO_(2)` is present in 100 litre of air?
A. 4mg
B. 4gm
C. `8xx10^(-3)kg`
D. 8mg

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`40ppm=("Mass of" SO_(2))/("Mass of air")xx10^(6)rArr"Mass of" SO_(2)=(40xx"Mass of air")/(10^(6))`
`d_("air")=("Mass of air")/(V_("air")(lit.))=(2gm)/(lit.)rArr"Mass of air"=2xx100=200gm`
Mass of `SO_(2)=(400xx200)/(10^(6))=8xx10^(-3)gmrArr 8mg`

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