Choose the correct alternative and complete the following statements.

1. After the Second World War, East Germany came under the control of ____________ (Soviet Union, USA, West Germany, England)

2. After World War I, ____________ was created to maintain peace and security. (European Union, League of Nations, UNO, SAARC)

3. The ____________ is the Chief Administrative Officer of the UN. (Trusteeship Council, President, Security Council, Secretary-General)

4. The UN Security Council has ____________ permanent members. (5, 10, 15, 193)

5. The seat of the International Court of Justice is in ____________ (New York, Geneva, Paris, The Hague)

6. ____________ coined the name United Nations. (Woodrow Wilson, Pandit Nehru, Franklin Roosevelt, Josef Stalin)

7. The UN Charter was signed in 1945 by representatives of ____________ countries. (24, 50, 101, 172)

8. ____________ used the term ‘iron curtain’ to refer to the division of Europe into the West and the East. (Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, Nikita Khrushchev)

9. The Asian nation ____________ had a war from 1950-1953. (Japan, China, Korea, Vietnam)

10. In 1959, heads of USA and USSR met at ____________ to seek serious dialogue. (New York, Moscow, Berlin, Camp David)

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1. Soviet Union

2. League of Nations

3. Secretary-General

4. 5

5. The Hague

6. Franklin Roosevelt

7. 50

8. Woodrow Wilson

9. Korea

10. Camp David