Use GIMP for the following.

  • Create a new image 
  • Put your name using the text tool. 
  • Use various filters to make a logo of your name. 
  • Auto crop image to text size.

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Use of Toolbox and editing an image using GIMP. 

Create an image by using Toolbox controls from GIMP. 

Step 1: click on the GIMP image Editor icon 

Step 2: Create blank image File → Text document (Ctrl+N)

Step 3: Creates balloon image having very attractive colours using toolbox controls. 

Step 4: Now change the foreground and background colour using the Blend tool (shot cut L). Drag the mouse from left to right on your canvas after release the mouse canvas will be filled by the gradient of foreground and background colour.

Step 5: Next click on the Text Tool (Short cut T) 

Step 6: Using the Move tool, we can move the text roughly to the center of the image but instead we prefer to put it precisely in the center using the Align tool. Click on align tool (Short cut Q) and then select the text Layer and text.

Step 7: Drawing coloured oval (Ellipse). Change the background and foreground colours again with two different colours. We have to choose red and yellow colour respectively. 

Step 8: Using the move tool place these ovals near the text. Select the layers one by one and merge them. Layer → Merge Down. Now we have colourful single layer. Let us create a ballon from the canvas. 

Step 9: Do Filters → Map → Map Object. Check ‘Update preview live’ and uncheck the ‘Transparent Background’. 

Step 10: We will tweak the balloon further and give it a more realistic shape. Apply the Distort Filter with curve Bend option, i.e, Filter → Distort → Curve Bend. In the resulting dialog choose automatic preview and Lower curve border. Then drag the Mid Point of the Curve Indicator line using the mouse.

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