Let `A=[a_("ij")]` be `3xx3` matrix and `B=[b_("ij")]` be `3xx3` matrix such that `b_("ij")` is the sum of the elements of `i^(th)` row of A except `a_("ij")`. If det, `(A)=19`, then the value of det. (B) is ________ .
A. `|A|`
B. `|A|//2`
C. `2|A|`
D. none of these

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Correct Answer - C
`implies B=[(a_(12)+a_(13),a(11)+a_(13),a_(11)+a_(12)),(a_(22)+a_(23),a_(21)+a_(23),a_(21)+a_(22)),(a_(32)+a_(33),a_(31)+a_(33),a_(31)+a_(32))]`
`implies X=A^(-1) B`
`=1/(|A|) [(0,|A|,|A|),(|A|,0,|A|),(|A|,|A|,0)]=[(0,1,1),(1,0,1),(1,1,0)]`
`implies |A^(-1)B|=2`
or `|A^(-1)||B|=2`
or `|B|=2|A|`

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